$15 Is a Pretty Fair Price

The Bookworks of David Stairs 1980-2023

June 1 - 30, 2023

Printed Matter presents a display of artists’ books by David Stairs at Printed Matter Chelsea.

Stairs’ work explores wide ranging thematics, from environmentalism and social justice issues (Polymeric, Dewpoint, Ugoregandagon) to pop culture, immigration, and the color green (Buzzwords, Bound for Oblivion, Green). With most titles priced squarely at $15—the original prices of Ed Ruscha’s own artists’ books—Stairs’ multiples foreground availability and accessibility, remaining widely affordable.

Join us at Printed Matter Chelsea on June 1, 6-8pm for an opening reception, as well as the launch of Stairs’ Dewpoint.

“I decided many years ago that there was no point working in multiples unless they were small and universally affordable. As a person who could not himself afford the price of most ‘fine art,’ I clashed with book artists who wanted to produce expensive editions de luxe. This is still my feeling about most books produced by printmakers. They want it both ways— the popularity of multiples with the price of unique creations. I took my lead from Ed Ruscha when, back in the day, his books cost $15.”

“Several of my books are about the environment, while others seem to be all about form. Suffice it to say that I am interested by the intersection of concept and material.” - David Stairs
