Other useful links
This is a listing of resources compiled by Printed Matter. Printed Matter is not affiliated with any of the listed resources, unless otherwise noted. If you have a resource that you would like to have listed, please email bulletin@printedmatter.org. Listings will be posted at Printed Matter’s discretion.
Arts Library Special Collections
Yale University
New Haven, CT
ALSC holdings include contemporary catalogues raisonnés, 18th- and 19th-century works on artists and architecture, a broad selection of fine press and artists’ books, rare research materials in support of these subject areas, and the Faber Birren Collection of Books on Color
Brooklyn Museum Library
Brooklyn, NY
Brookmuse is the catalog for the Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives and part of Arcade, the New York Art Resources Consortium’s catalog
Coleção Livro de Artista UFMG
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Holds a collection of more than 1,000 books from all-over the world, including latin-american books. There are brazilian books and artist’s magazines from the past decades (poem-process, concrete and conceptual works). There is also a reference library with monographs, catalogues and periodicals.
Fales Library
New York University
New York, NY
The Getty Research Library
The Getty Center
Los Angeles, CA
The Getty Research Institute library collections include over one million books, periodicals, study photographs, and auction catalogs as well as extensive special collections of rare and unique materials
Guild of Book Workers
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Exhibitions, seminars, newsletter, library of books and videotapes on book arts
The Liberated Page Union
Geneva, Switzerland
The Liberated Page is an international union based in Geneva, Switzerland which aims to support and promote the critical and intellectual dissemination of artists books and independent editions across the world. The union organizes and conceives a number of events, conferences, and exhibitions which highlights new practices within contemporary art publication and new forms of artists books made and published worldwide in various disciplines.
MoMA DaDaBase
New York, NY
Dadabase is the online catalog of The Museum of Modern Art Library and Study Centers, with selected holdings of the Museum Archives
New York, NY
Includes over 3 million records for titles cataloged since 1972 and an additional 2 million records for roman language books cataloged prior to 1972
OBIS - Online Catalog at Oberlin College Art Library
Clarence Ward Art Library, Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH
Otis College of Art + Design Library
Los Angeles, CA
Otis Library houses a special collection of 3,000 artists’ books
The Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives
Banff Centre, Banff, CA
The Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives has an excellent collection of artists’ books
Special Collections and Archives at James Branch Cabell Library
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA
Special Collections and Archives at James Branch Cabell Library includes book arts, comic arts, manuscripts, rare books and periodicals
Whitney Museum of American Art Library
New York, NY
The most comprehensive research collection in the field of twentieth-century American art
The Art Book Review
A compendium of reviews of artists’ books
This is a blog on artzines & art books operated by Moritz Grünke
Bicycle Utopia
Bicycle Utopia amplifies bike as cultural lens by fostering connections and conversation
Letterpress Commons
Sharing letterpress printing knowledge for the common good
Printer Resources for Independent Art Publishers
Directory of printers compiled by Amy Yao of Ooga Booga with peer recommendations
A riso wiki for artists, designers, and printers set up by Issue Press
Temporary Services Artist Publisher Forum
A forum for discussing artist book publishing
The Invention and History of the Letterpress
A compilation of helpful sources on the history of the Letterpress
Montreal, CA
Exhibition space, residencies, publisher, and archive
Banff Centre/ Walter Phillips Gallery
Banff, Canada
Courses, residencies, exhibitions, library with artist book collection
Brooklyn, NY
Exhibitions, education, events
Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild
Toronto, Canada
Lectures, books and catalogs
Center for Book Arts
New York, NY
Courses, exhibitions, bookstores, studio rental
Center for Book & Paper Arts
Columbia College
Chicago, IL
Exhibitions and courses
Common Practice New York
New York, NY
Common Practice New York is an advocacy group that fosters research and discussions about the role of small-scale arts organizations in New York City
Elizabeth foundation for the arts
New York, NY
The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts is a 501©(3) public charity, dedicated to providing artists across all disciplines with space, tools and a cooperative forum for the development of individual practice
Dieu Donne Papermill
New York, NY
Workshops, apprenticeships, studio rental, exhibitions, supplies
Lower East Side Print Shop
New York, NY
Non-profit printmaking studio offering classes, residencies, programming, & studio space
Minnesota Center for Book Arts
Minneapolis, MN
Fellowships, classes, exhibitions, bookstore
Pyramid Atlantic
Hyattsville, MD
Printmaking and Bookmaking workshops and residencies
The San Francisco Center for the Book
Exhibitions, education, events
San Francisco, CA
Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop
New York, NY
Printmaking studio offering classes, memberships, programming
Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program
Williamsburg, MA
Snow Farm offers 2 - 5 day residential workshops in paper, book and printmaking, as well as 10 other artistic media. January through October.
Triple Canopy
New York, NY
Triple Canopy is a magazine based in New York. Since 2007, Triple Canopy has advanced a model for publication that encompasses digital works of art and literature, public conversations, exhibitions, and books.
Visual Studies Workshop
Rochester, NY
Publishing residencies, exhibitions, internships, studio rental
Women’s Studio Workshop
Rosendale, NY
Fellowships, grants, workshops, exhibitions and residencies.
Wendy’s Subway
Brooklyn, NY
non-profit library and writing space with events and workshops
French Paper Co.
Niles, MI
Paper Outlet
New York, NY
Wholesale paper distributor
Paper Presentation
New York, NY
Paper, stationery, scrapbooking supplies
Shulman Paper
New York, NY
Brooklyn, NY
Bookbinding, Archival, & Conservation Supplies